DIY Branch tassel boho wall hanging decor .

My girl friend and i just moved into our new apartment ! :D YAY!!!! And iv been planning for weeks on what and how i wanted to decorate it !! And iv been obsessed with the whole bohemian home decor .  And Iv seen these cute little Branch tassel wall decor or things similar to this online from 35$-200$ I made mine for just 5$ ! yes that is correct !FIVE FREAKN DOLLARS !  Iv never seen one exactly like mine as i knew exactly what i wanted it to look like in my head ! It was literally the easiest thing ever to make ! If it wasn't for my many breaks it would've taken 1 hour max ! The tassel making was the most tedious ,I took my time on each tassel i'm not usually a perfectionist but on this project i was ! Sooo if you're interested in how this was made keep on reading !!

What you'll  need !

  • A large branch, Or birch  ( My parents are over hauling their backyard and my mom kept a whole bunch of these super thick branches so i took one !) * Free* 
  • Yarn. Any color ! * I picked mine up at Walmart for just 2.59$ A piece . 
  • Sizzors * had at home Free * 
  • A book or A cut piece of cardboard ( You will need this to make the tassels and measure out how long you want them to be . I at first started to use a old wallet and i found that it was a little to long so i cut up a old small box and found that to be the easiest . *Free*
  • Tape * free had some lying around.  
Step 1 . You're going to lay the branch on a hard surface. Take the yarn and start measuring out the lengths of each piece of yarn, tape the ends to your hard surface so you can get the visual of how its going to look.  like shown below.
Do that all along the piece of birch untilllll... 
Step 2. I took a long piece of the tan yarn and made the part that is going to be holding this bad boy up just to make sure everything was even and hung it up on the wall to get a visual . 
Like sooo! Now its tassel making time !

Step 3 Disclaimer ** I am going to show you how i made these things as best i can through description lol Because if you don't get this via reading. Youtube will be your best friend and i will link the video i used to help me right here for ya ! "Roberts Tassel Tutorial
  • I wrapped the yarn around my piece of cardboard about 21 times. Thats just how i thick i wanted my tassels to be !  
Step 3, I Tie a knot at the top of the yarn .

Step 4. turn to the other end of the yarn and cut it . 

It should look like the 

Step 5 Take that short piece and start wrapping it around very tight  ! This is going to create the top of the tassel .

i made a little loop at the top to tie at the end of the string . 
that is going to be hanging from the bottom .
 Step 4 : You're going to want to cut the end of the tassels to make them even/ neat/

I ended up making 23 tassels .  

Step 5. Is the easiest alll youre going to do is is start attacthing the tassels to your yarn that is hanging. I found it easiest to just just leave the branch hanging and start placing them where you want . 

At first i was going to leave it like this with just 12 tassels but instead added a few more because i felt like it looked a little to bland for my liking  ! 

So here is the finished product ! I decided to just put it in our living room because thats where we have hardly no decorations . And i love it ! I will be making many more and different kinds ! So keep and eye out for some more DIYs
Thank you for stopping by ! Id love to see your boho home decor ! So if you decided  to make one use the hash tag #StormysDIYS i cant wait to see what creations yo come up with ! Yours does not have to be like mine ! Be creative ! Much love xoxo - Aleigha Storm
You can also pin this to your pintriest ! Ill link mine right here Follow me On Pinterest

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